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Mercati & Competitività is no longer published. We still provide access to M&C content on this website. Besides, the official Journal of Società Italiana Marketing is Italian Journal of Marketing, edited by Springer.
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Workshop & Special Issue on Consumer entrepreneurship and its reflections on branding theory and practice
access_time Expiry date: 05/04/2019Milan, May 28, 2019
Traditionally studies on market formation and dynamics focused on companies as the main agents responsible for the creation of new markets. In contrast with this view, current streams of thought (see for instance Peñaloza & Venkatesh, 2006, Schouten et al., 2016; Venkatesh, Peñaloza, & Firat, 2006) suggest that markets are socially constructed, and marketers and consumers co-create the marketplace.
platforms (i.e. Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Reddit, Pinterest);
and marketing communications;
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Past, present and future challenges on customer experience: digging knowledge across sectors
access_time Expiry date: 10/11/2018Past, present and future challenges on customer experiences: digging knowledge across sectors
Guest Editors
- Giacomo Del Chiappa University of Sassari (gdelchiappa@uniss.it)
- Martina Gallarza, University of Valencia (martina.gallarza@uv.es)
Experiential marketing roots its origin in the early 1980s (Holbrook & Hirschman, 1982; Holbrook & Corfman, 1985), when academicians started to suggest a shift from primarily utilitarian conceptions of consumer behaviour towards an expanded experiential and phenomenological perspective where hedonic, symbolic, and aesthetic aspects of consumption are key aspects to be considered when grasping to fully understand consumption acts. Since then, the experiential paradigm has been attracting huge attention from both the researchers belonging to different disciplines (e.g. marketing, sociology, anthropology, psychology, etc.) and the industry. Overtime, different frameworks have arisen, where consumer experience has been conceptualized as a combination of escapism, aesthetics, entertainment and education (Pine & Gilmore, 1999), or dimensions of strategic experiential modules (Schmitt, 1999), namely sensory experience (SENSE), emotional experience (FEEL), thinking experience (THINK), operational experience (ACT) and related experiences (RELATE). More recently, both theoretical and empirical studies have showed that a key challenge for any marketers is to be able to provide authentic and memorable experiences (Gibbs & Ritchie, 2010).
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