Call for papers

Workshop & Special Issue on Consumer entrepreneurship and its reflections on branding theory and practice
access_time Expiry date: 05/04/2019
Workshop & Special Issue on Consumer entrepreneurship and its reflection on branding theory and practice 
Scientific Committee
- Rossella Gambetti, Cattolica University Milan (
- Silvia Biraghi, Cattolica University Milan (
- Federica Ceccotti, Sapienza University of Rome (
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Milan, May 28, 2019
Contemporary consumer activism in catalysing and channeling intellectual resources, affective labor and extraordinary expressive and productive abilities is subverting the company-driven logics traditionally associated to market formation and entrepreneurial development. Consumers, enabled by networked platforms, are increasingly engaging in the creation of new business models that impact the world of brands.
Traditionally studies on market formation and dynamics focused on companies as the main agents responsible for the creation of new markets. In contrast with this view, current streams of thought (see for instance Peñaloza & Venkatesh, 2006, Schouten et al., 2016; Venkatesh, Peñaloza, & Firat, 2006) suggest that markets are socially constructed, and marketers and consumers co-create the marketplace.
Nowadays consumers are able to co-create and self-produce both symbolic contents and tangible outputs (Campbell, 2005; Cova, Dalli, & Zwick, 2011; Merz, He, & Vargo, 2009; Ritzer, 2014). Through these activities consumers and consumer collectives may foster the emergence of new creative practices and innovations (Thomas, Price, & Schau, 2013; Arnould, 2014) and new products (Martin & Schouten, 2014).
Research on market system dynamics (Giesler & Fischer, 2016) highlights how consumers not only possess the capacity to affect market trajectories, but also may play a role in envisioning and creating new markets (Arvidsson, 2008; Geiger, Kjellberg, & Spencer, 2012; Scaraboto, 2015; Biraghi, Gambetti & Pace, 2018a). In addition to the role of consumers as modifiers of an existing market offer, the new role of unconventional consumer-entrepreneurs (Cova & Guercini, 2018) is currently emerging and affecting (or even creating new) marketplaces beyond the modification of existing products (see for instance Biraghi, Gambetti & Pace, 2018b; Ashman, Patterson & Brown, 2018; Pedeliento et al., 2018; Mardon, Molesworth & Grigore, 2018; Milanesi, 2018).
This increasing entrepreneurial fervor is raising new challenges to the world of brands and branding: what role can traditional brands play in this evolving scenario? Which new brands are emerging? How are the relationships between consumer-entrepreneurs and brands reconfiguring? Which new business models are the new consumer entrepreneurs creating? How are the new consumer entrepreneurs-asbrands building and managing their bond and influence on other consumers?
These questions represent the starting point for our workshop and upcoming special issue of Mercati e Competitività to revisit the concept and the role of brand and branding in light of the emergence of new forms of consumer-entrepreneurship. This on the background of the big cultural changes related to the progressive emergence of social phenomena such as liquid and accelerated society, network society, networked individualism, technocapitalism, and the reconfiguring of the agency among consumers, brands and objects.
KTopics of interests include, among others:  
New sources of consumer entrepreneurship and how they affect the world of brands and branding;
- Understanding new branding models and markets created by consumer entrepreneurs;
- The rise of consumer entrepreneurs as new brands;
- The relationship between consumer entrepreneurs-as-brands and consumer collectives in networked
platforms (i.e. Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Reddit, Pinterest);
- The role of the web and networked platforms in branding consumer entrepreneurship projects;
- Theoretical developments of consumer entrepreneurship as related to brand management, consumer culture
and marketing communications;
- Emerging methods to investigate consumer entrepreneurship and its impact on branding;
- Measuring the effectiveness of branding strategies of consumer entrepreneurs.
Keynote Speaker
- Bernard Cova, Kedge Business School, Marseille.
Submissions and Special Issue
Scholars who wish to present a paper at the workshop are invited to submit an extended abstract in English of 750-1000 words to:; no later than April 5, 2019. Authors will be notified of the outcome of the selection process by April 15, 2019.
Mercati e Competitività will announce a call for papers for a special issue on this topic. With this workshop the scientific committee aims to stimulate interest in the special issue, spark  intellectual exchange on the topic, generate debate and provide feedback to prospective authors who may consider submitting a paper to this special issue.
The academic program will start in the morning at 10.00 and end in the afternoon, approximately at 16.00. Professor Bernard Cova, who is an academic pioneer and has conducted groundbreaking research on this topic, will give a keynote speech to introduce the workshop. Then the selected extended abstracts among the ones proposed to the scientific committee will be presented with a power point presentation and then discussed with the other workshop participants for about 30 minutes (20 minute presentation + 10 minutes Q&A).
There is no conference fee for members of SIMktg. Participants should register no later than May 10, 2019, by sending an email to:;
Other information
For any information please contact:
Important dates to remember
Deadline for extended abstract submission: April 5, 2019
Deadline for registration to the workshop: May 10, 2019
Selected references 
- Arnould, E. J. (2014). Rudiments of a value praxeology. Marketing Theory, 14(1), 129–133.
- Arvidsson, A. (2008). The ethical economy of customer coproduction. Journal of Macromarketing, 28(4), 326–338.
- Ashman, R., Patterson, A., & Brown, S. (2018). ‘Don't forget to like, share and subscribe’: Digital autopreneurs in a neoliberal world. Journal of Business Research, 92(4), 474-483.
- Biraghi, S., Gambetti, R.C., & Pace, S. (2018a). Emerging Market Dynamics Within and Beyond Consumer Tribes. In Cross, N.N., Ruvalcaba, C., Venkatesh, A., Belk, R. (eds.) Consumer Culture Theory. Research in Consumer Behavior, 19 (pp. 57-69). Emerald Publishing Limited.
- Biraghi, S., Gambetti, R.C., & Pace, S. (2018b). Between tribes and markets: The emergence of a liquid consumer entrepreneurship. Journal of Business Research, 92(4), 392-402.
- Campbell, C. (2005) The Craft Consumer. Journal of Consumer Culture, 5(1), 23–42.
- Cova, B. & Guercini, S. (2018). Unconventional entrepreneurship. Journal of Business Research, 92(4), 385-391.
- Cova, B., Dalli, D., & Zwick, D. (2011). Critical Perspectives on Consumers' Role as 'Producers': Broadening the Debate on Value Co-Creation in Marketing Processes. Marketing Theory, 11(3), 231–241.
- Geiger, S., Kjellberg, H. & Spencer, R. (2012). Shaping Exchanges, Building Markets. Consumption Markets and Culture, 15(2), 133–147.
- Giesler, M., & Fischer, E. (2016). Market system dynamics. Marketing Theory, 17(1), 3–8.
- Mardon, R., Molesworth, M. & Grigore, G. (2018). YouTube beauty gurus and the emotional labour of tribal entrepreneurship. Journal of Business Research, 92(4), 443-454.
- Martin, D. M, & Schouten, J. W. (2014). Consumption-driven market emergence. Journal of Consumer Research, 40(1), 855–870.
- Merz, M. A, He, Y., & Vargo, S. L. (2009). The evolving brand logic: a service-dominant logic perspective. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 37(3), 328–344.
- Milanesi, M. (2018). Exploring passion in hobby-related entrepreneurship: evidence from Italian cases, Journal of Business Research, 92(4), 423-430.
- Peñaloza, L., & Venkatesh, A. (2006). Further evolving the new dominant logic of marketing: from services to the social construction of markets, Marketing Theory, 6(3), 299–316.
- Pedeliento, G., Bettinelli, C., Andreini, D. & Bergamaschi, M. (2018). Consumer entrepreneurship and cultural innovation: the case of Gin012. Journal of Business Research, 92(4), 431-442.
- Ritzer, G. (2014). Prosumption: evolution, revolution, or eternal return of the same?. Journal of Consumer Culture, 14(1), 3–24.
- Scaraboto, D. (2015). Selling, sharing, and everything in between: The hybrid economies of collaborative networks. Journal of Consumer Research, 42(1), 152–176.
- Schouten, J. W., Martin, D. M., Blakaj, H., & Botez, A. (2016). From counterculture movement to mainstream market. In Canniford, R., & Bajde, D. (2016). Assembling consumption: Researching actors, networks and markets. Abingdon, Routledge.
- Thomas, T. S., Price, L. L. , & Schau, H. J. (2013). When differences unite: resource dependence in heterogeneous consumption communities. Journal of Consumer Research, 39(5), 1010–1033.
- Venkatesh, A., Peñaloza, L., & Firat, F. (2006). The market as a sign system and the logic of the market. In R. F. Lusch, & S. L. Vargo (Eds.), The service-dominant logic of marketing: dialog, debate, and directions (pp. 251–265). Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.
Past, present and future challenges on customer experience: digging knowledge across sectors
access_time Expiry date: 10/11/2018

Past, present and future challenges on customer experiences: digging knowledge across sectors

Guest Editors

- Giacomo Del Chiappa University of Sassari ( 

- Martina Gallarza, University of Valencia ( 

Experiential marketing roots its origin in the early 1980s (Holbrook & Hirschman, 1982; Holbrook & Corfman, 1985), when academicians started to suggest a shift from primarily utilitarian conceptions of consumer behaviour towards an expanded experiential and phenomenological perspective where hedonic, symbolic, and aesthetic aspects of consumption are key aspects to be considered when grasping to fully understand consumption acts. Since then, the experiential paradigm has been attracting huge attention from both the researchers belonging to different disciplines (e.g. marketing, sociology, anthropology, psychology, etc.) and the industry. Overtime, different frameworks have arisen, where consumer experience has been conceptualized as a combination of escapism, aesthetics, entertainment and education (Pine & Gilmore, 1999), or dimensions of strategic experiential modules (Schmitt, 1999), namely sensory experience (SENSE), emotional experience (FEEL), thinking experience (THINK), operational experience (ACT) and related experiences (RELATE). More recently, both theoretical and empirical studies have showed that a key challenge for any marketers is to be able to provide authentic and memorable experiences (Gibbs & Ritchie, 2010). 

The experiential view is no longer new, but the dual hedonic/utilitarian concept has continued to interest academic writers across the decades, with retailing and tourism emerging as two paradigmatic experiential service settings. Indeed, retailing has been a preferred field for applications and replications of experiential dimensions of shopping values (e.g. Mathwick et al., 2001; Petermans, et al., 2013) while, within research set in a tourism context, adopting an experiential paradigm has been even scarcer (Ritchie et al., 2011). In tourism-related literature, most of the existing studies have investigated the tourist experience on-site (e.g. Williams, 2006), whilst less attention has been given to experiences in supporting services (e.g. accommodation, food, transportation, wineries, etc.). 
Despite the long and deep range of works devoted to this domain, there is a wide diversity and range of meanings attached to the concept of experience, causing a lack of universal consensus on its definition. Indeed, the word “experience” is among the most used and misused in marketing literature, and a need of framing what experience is and how it can be defined still remains. Furthermore, no single model of experiential consumption has emerged (Titz, 2007). Hence, there is still an interest for further research aimed at framing and delimiting what the "consumption experience” is and how it relates to other notions, such as brand experience (Andreini et al., 2018; Brakus et al., 2009), or service experience (Blocker & Barrios, 2015). 
Customer experience is related to other main and pivotal contemporary topics that this special issue is meant to cover, such as consumer value and value co-creation. 
Consumer value has been considered at the very heart of any experiential approach to consumer behaviour (Holbrook, 1999; Wu & Liang, 2009). Albeit, understanding the process of creating and attributing value has interested a relevant number of scholars, who have long agreed on a lack of consistency concerning the nature of value, its characteristics and its conceptualisation and measurement. Although authors recognise that service value is multidimensional, there is no consensus on the number of types or on the criteria for classifying and assessing them. Recently, Gallarza et al. (2017) carried out, proposed and validated a third-order value model in the hotel sector that captures the resulting eight value types (efficiency, excellence, play, aesthetics, status, esteem, ethics, and escapism as an adaptation of spirituality). The case-specific nature of this research (i.e. set in the hotel sector) calls for future adaptations and replications of this higher-order structure in different service settings. Longitudinal studies might be also useful to capture the dynamics of the industry, demand and society and to further advance the knowledge of processes and interaction in the context of experience consumption. Recently, academicians have started to investigate how experience/service consumption can contribute to positively influence the lives and well-being of individuals (Anderson & Ostrom, 2015). In this strand of research (i.e. transformative service research), a “new” type of value (i.e. transformative value) is considered to acknowledge the “social dimension of value creation that generates uplifting change for greater well-being among individuals and collectives” (Blocker & Barrios, 2015, p. 1). In tourism-related literature, transformative value has been considered as what the travellers can gain from travel experiences in term of reconsidering the personal value system as opposed to others’ (Kirillova et al., 2017a, 2017b), and therefore digging knowledge on the multidimensional customer experience in terms of building or renewing the self, learning, opening one’s mind, fostering understanding, enrichment, growth, and development (Reisinger, 2013). In current literature, this “new” value has been mainly theoretically conceptualised and qualitatively investigated. Future research could propose studies attempting to develop and validate scales to measure it and/or consider it alongside other types of value when quantitatively investigating the influence of different value types on satisfaction, memorability and behavioural intentions. 
It is well accepted that customer experience can be viewed from multiple perspectives including the customer, the firm, or both in the co-creation process (Chandler & Lusch, 2015). Value co-creation “is the joint, collaborative, concurrent, peer-like process of producing new value, both materially and symbolically” (Galvagno & Dalli, 2014, p. 644). In such a scenario, consumers become a kind of “working consumers” (Dalli & Cova, 2009), actively shaping/making their lived experience in a marketscape in which consumers and producers live in a continuum between co-harmony and co-destruction (Plé & Chumpitaz Cáceres, 2010). The role of subjective and lived consumer experience in value co-creation/co-destruction is an emerging topic that would merit further attention to deepen our understanding about how customers live this experience (e.g. Galvagno & Dalli, 2014) and about how the co-creation/destruction of experiences - eventually mediated and facilitated by Information and Communication Technologies, Social Media, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality - might contribute to render them memorable/unmemorable. This research trajectory would merit to be developed to consider the challenging role that the uprise of sharing and collaborative economy has been exerting since the very last few years, also providing consumers with the opportunity to transform their self (Decrop et al., 2018). 
Research investigating experiences usually takes a process and/or an outcome-based perspective (Lin & Kuo, 2016), and underlines that one of the major challenges in developing an exceptional and memorable experience is to create a connection among different offline and online touchpoints within the customer journey (Lemon & Verhoef, 2016; Voorhees et al., 2017). This calls for further developing the existing theoretical and empirical knowledge (e.g. Barwitz & Maas, 2018; Kranzbuhler et al., 2017) about how the consumer experience can be designed and lived in multichannel decision-making settings (e.g. retailing, tourism, hospitality and leisure). 
All that said, and without limiting the scope of the papers to be submitted, this special issue welcomes original empirical or analytical work related to the following topics: 
- Cognitive, emotional, sensory, social, spiritual and transformative dimensions of consumer experiences 
- Memorable experiences 
- Systematic Literature Reviews or state-of-the-art on experiential marketing 
- Conceptualisations of customer experience and consumer journey 
- Managing service design, service encounters and customer experience 
- Open innovation, co-creation, co-destruction and customer engagement approaches in experience design 
- Consumer values types and their influence on experience memorability 
- Transformative power and value of experience consumption 
- Consumer value types and customer experience management in tourism, hospitality and event 
- Consumer value types, experiences and cross-sectorial analysis 
- Key drivers and consequences of customer experience adopting an offline and/or an online perspective 
- Influence of ICTs, Social Media, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality on experience design and consumption 
- Experiential consumption in the era of sharing and collaborative economy 
- Consumer experience in multichannel decision-making 
The special issue welcomes studies that use a range of methodologies including qualitative (e.g. case studies, field experiments, interpretative phenomenographic research, mobile ethnography, grounded theory, content analysis, quantitative (e.g., structural equation modelling, econometric analysis, cluster analysis) and mixed-methods. Furthermore, it also encourages the submission of studies adopting interdisciplinary and longitudinal approaches to consumption experiences. 
Paper submission/selection
Abstract proposal need to be submitted to the guest editors ( - and to by November 10th 2018 
Full papers need to be submitted through the online platform
The platform can be also browsed in English by using the button “language” in the right side of the submission platform. 
When submitting a paper, authors need to mention that the paper should be considered for this special issue. To do this, authors are kindly asked to click the “section” button and to tick “SPECIAL ISSUE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE”. 
All the papers need to strictly adhere to the specific guidelines of the journal
Inquiries can be sent to guest editors ( - and to 
Key dates 
- Submission of abstract (up to 750 words): November 10th 2018 
- Notification of abstract acceptance: November 15th 2018 
- Submission of full paper: January 10th 2019 
Key references
- Anderson, L. & Ostrom, A. (2015). Transformative Service Research: Advancing our Knowledge about Service and Well-being, Editorial. Journal of Service Research, 19(3), 243–249. 
- Andreini, D., Pedeliento, G., Zarantonello, L. & Solerio, C. (2018). A renaissance of brand experience: Advancing the concept through a multi-perspective analysis. Journal of Business Research, 91, 123-133. 
- Barwitz, N. & Maas, P. (2018). Understanding the Omnichannel Customer Journey: Determinants of Interaction Choice. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 43, 116–133. 
- Blocker, C. P. & Barrios, A. (2015). The Transformative Value of a Service Experience. Journal of Service Research, 18(3), 265–283. 
- Brakus, J. J., Schmitt, B. H. & Zarantonello, L. (2009). Brand experience: what is it? How is it measured? Does it affect loyalty? Journal of marketing, 73(3), 52-68. 
- Chandler, J. D. & Lusch, R. F. (2015). Service systems: a broadened framework and research agenda on value propositions, engagement, and service experience. Journal of Service Research, 18(1), 6-22. 
- Cova, B. & Dalli, D. (2009). Working consumers: the next step in marketing theory? Marketing theory, 9(3), 315-339. 
- Decrop, A., Del Chiappa, G., Mallargé, J. & Zidda, P. (2018). Couchsurfing has made me a better person and the world a better place: the transformative power of collaborative tourism experiences. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 35(1), 57-72. 
- Gallarza, M. G., Arteaga, F., Del Chiappa, G., Gil-Saura, I. & Holbrook, M. B. (2017). A multidimensional service-value scale based on Holbrook’s typology of customer value: bridging the gap between the concept and its measurement. Journal of Service Management, 28(4), 724-762. 
- Galvagno, M. & Dalli, D. (2014). Theory of value co-creation: a systematic literature review. Managing Service Quality, 24(6), 643-683. 
- Gibbs, D. & Ritchie, C. (2010). Theatre in restaurants: Constructing the experience. In M. Morgan, P. Lugosi, & J. R. B.
- Ritchie (Eds.), The tourism and leisure experience: Consumer and managerial perspectives (pp. 182–201). Bristol: Channel View Publications. 
- Holbrook, M.B. & Corfman, K.P. (1985). Quality and value in the consumption experience: Phaedrus rides again", in
- Jacoby, J. and Olson, J. C. (Ed.), Perceived quality: How consumers view stores and merchandise (pp. 31-57). Lexington, MA: Health and Company. 
- Holbrook, M.B. & Hirschman, E.C. (1982). The experiential aspects of consumption: consumer fantasies, feelings and fun. Journal of Consumer Research, 9(2), 132-140. 
- Holbrook, M.B. (1999). Consumer value: A framework for analysis and research, Routledge, London. 
- Kirillova, K., Lehto, X. & Cai, L. (2017a). What triggers transformative tourism experiences? Tourism Recreation Research, 42(4), 498-511. 
- Kirillova, K., Lehto, X. & Cai, L. (2017b). Existential authenticity and anxiety as outcomes: The tourist in the experience economy. International Journal of Tourism Research, 19(1), 13-26. 
- Kranzbuhler, A-M., Klejinen, M.H.P., Morgan, R.E. & Teerling, M. (2017). The Multilevel Nature of Customer Experience Research: An Integrative Review and Research Agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews, 20(2), 1-24. 
- Lemon, K. N. & Verhoef, P. C. (2016). Understanding Customer Experience Throughout the Customer Journey. Journal of Marketing, 80, 69-96. 
- Lin, C. H. & Kuo, B. Z. L. (2016). The behavioral consequences of tourist experience. Tourism Management Perspectives, 18, 84-91. 
- Mathwick, C., Malhotra, N. &and Rigdon, E. (2001). Experiential value: Conceptualization, measurement and application in the catalog and internet shopping environment. Journal of Retailing, 77(1),39-56. 
- Petermans, A., Janssens, W., & Van Cleempoel, K. (2013). A holistic framework for conceptualizing customer experiences in retail environment. International Journal of Design, 7(2), 1-18. 
- Pine, B. J. & Gilmore, J. H. (1998). Welcome to the experience economy. Harvard Business Review, 76, 97-105. 
- Plé, L. & Chumpitaz Cáceres, R. (2010). Not always co-creation: introducing interactional co-destruction of value in service-dominant logic. Journal of Services Marketing, 24(6), 430-437. 
- Reisinger, Y. (2013). Connection between Travel, Tourism and Transformation. In Y. Reisinger (Ed.) Transformational Tourism: Tourist Perspectives (pp. 27–32). Oxfordshire, UK: CABI. 
- Ritchie, J.R.B., Tung, V.W.S. & Ritchie, R.J.B. (2011). Tourism experience management research: Emergence, evolution and future directions. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 23(4), 419-438. 
- Schmitt, B. H. (1999). Experiential Marketing. How to Get Customers to Sense, Feel, Think, Act, Relate. New York: The Free Press. 
- Titz, K. (2007). Experiential consumption: affect - emotions - hedonism. In A. Pizam, & H. Oh (Eds.), Handbook of Hospitality Marketing Management (pp. 324-352). Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. 
- Voorhees, C. M., Fombelle, P. W., Gregoire, Y., Bone, S., Gustafsson, A., Sousa, R. & Walkowiak, T. (2017). Service encounters, experiences and the customer journey: Defining the field and a call to expand our lens. Journal of Business Research, 79, 269-280. 
- Williams, A. (2006). Tourism and hospitality marketing: fantasy, feeling and fun. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 18(6), 482 – 495.
- Wu, C.H. & Liang, R. (2009). Effect of experiential value on customer satisfaction with service encounters in luxury-hotel restaurants. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28(4), 586-593. 
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Emerging trends in qualitative research: A focus on social media research
access_time Expiry date: 10/01/2018
More than ever, qualitative research is going through a period of rapid change and confronting new challenges. Anyone interested in the current state and development of qualitative data analysis will find a field which is constantly expanding and, at the same time, growing less structured.
In particular, we can see the evolving and changing environment in three different aspects: data sources, data collection and data analysis.
Traditional sources of data—interviews, focus groups, transcripts and observation protocols—are now complemented by visual, virtual, textual and other types of data deriving from social media. As billions of people post updates to platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram every day, these platforms are opening up opportunities to draw upon vast qualitative data streams.
As a consequence, new data collection tools, web crawling and data mining techniques have emerged in recent years. For example, qualitative software programs have been integrated with tools to capture social media content for qualitative analysis (e.g. Ncapture for Nvivo). Kozinets (2010, 2015) presented the concept of ‘netnography’ as a new approach that combines archival and online communication work, participation and observation with new forms of digital and network data collection and analysis.
Regarding data analysis, mixed or multi-method approaches that combine qualitative and quantitative techniques are growing in importance (Creswell and Piano Clark, 2011). In particular, mixed methods research approaches—‘in which the researcher gathers both quantitative (closed-ended) and qualitative (open-ended) data, integrates the two and then draws interpretations based on the combined strengths of both sets of data to understand research problems’ (Creswell, 2014, p. 2)—have clear potential value in social media research. Qualitative data are often useful for triangulating and augmenting quantitative results, and in a social media context, they can go beyond tracking follower counts or hashtag use to create a more complete picture of a specific community.
Given the overwhelming amount of data deriving from social media, attention is increasingly turning towards automated content analysis instead of pure qualitative content analysis (e.g., employing human coders to manually code textual data), because it permits large-scale analyses and enhances the reliability, replicability, transparency and efficiency of the results (Humphreys, 2010a; Humphreys 2010b; Humphreys, 2017; Morris, 1994).
These and many other examples suggest to us that there is a need to reflect on and discuss the use of qualitative techniques in order to facilitate further exploration through the qualitative lens. In particular, we hope to look at the latest emerging methods for analysing qualitative data, with a particular focus on social media data.

This call for papers invites contributions that address the role of qualitative methods in responding to, challenging and contributing to data. This call for papers solicits theoretical, methodological and empirical contributions which draw on different research streams and disciplines, including marketing, consumer behaviour, social media, etc. Methodologically, we welcome pure qualitative, multi-method and mixed-methods research approaches.

Topics of interest include, among others:
- How qualitative techniques are evolving
- Textual data coding
- Automated vs. human coding in content analysis
- Mixed and multi-method research designs
- Innovative research methods for collecting qualitative data (e.g., social media)
- The role of technologies for social media content studies
- Methods and tools for analysing qualitative data
- Mixed and multi-method analysis in social media research
- Virtual communities analysis
- Netnographic studies
- Measuring social media content

- Creswell, J. W. (2014). A concise introduction to mixed methods research. Sage Publications.
- Creswell, J.W. and Piano Clark, V. (2011). Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research. SAGE Publication.
- Humphreys, A. (2010a). Megamarketing: The creation of markets as a social process. Journal of Marketing, 74(2), 1-19.
- Humphreys, A. (2010b). Semiotic structure and the legitimation of consumption practices: The case of casino gambling. Journal of Consumer Research, 37(3), 490-510.
- Humphreys, A. & Wang R. J. (2017). Automated Text Analysis for Consumer Research. Journal of Consumer Research, forthcoming.
- Kozinets, R. V. (2010). Netnography: Doing ethnographic research online. Sage publications.
- Kozinets, R. V. (2015). Netnography. John Wiley & Sons, Inc..
- Morris, R. (1994). Computerized content analysis in management research: A demonstration of advantages & limitations. Journal of Management, 20(4), 903-931.

Submission Deadlines
Abstract submission deadline: July 21st, 2017
Authors should submit a structured abstract of 500 words to the Guest Editors of this MC Special Issue at the following e-mail:

Full paper submission deadline: January 10th, 2018
Submissions will undergo a double blind, peer review process. Full paper manuscripts must follow the submission guidelines of M&C

Guest Editors
- Sebastiano Grandi, Cattolica University Sacro Cuore Piacenza (
- Annamaria Tuan, University of Pisa (

Other Information
For any information please contact: 


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Re-discovering Dual Marketing: Internet’s contribution
access_time Expiry date: 30/09/2017
Overview and Purpose
Thirty years passed since the publication of Quelch’s paper, titled “WhyNot Exploit Dual Marketing?” (1987). Nowadays, it is interesting to investigate if, and within what limits, there is still place for studies and researches on Dual Marketing (DM) in Internet and in the digital context. In 1987, analysing the pillar of the concept of DM, Quelch says: “What happens when industrial marketers start selling to consumers? Or when companies who serve consumers begin marketing to industry? Although not without its problems, dual marketing offers synergies that have been largely overlooked”.
After Quelch's contribution, Biemans too in his paper (2001) highlights that DM is still neglected in marketing literature but it is widely adopted by companies. In the abstract of his paper, he suggests: “While the marketing literature treats consumer marketing and business marketing as two distinct marketing disciplines, many firms combine them by selling the same product both to consumers and business customers. This practice of dual marketing is quite common, but fraught with pitfalls and surprisingly neglected in the marketing literature”.
Nowadays there is still a lack of conceptual contributions and empirical explorations, despite diffusion of practices of DM widely implemented online. This topic is neglected by academics and scholars.
This Special Issue of Mercati e Competitività aims at finding the possibilities to rigorously set the concept of DM and properly re-evaluate it in the academic field.
The Special Issue dedicated to Dual Marketing aims to collect different contributions (conceptual papers, research papers, view point papers, case study papers) with the purpose to stimulate the debate on theoretical models, research methods and managerial implications of this specific subject. Due to the fact that this is a comprehensive topic, many areas of marketing seem to be involved: not only B2B Marketing but also Consumer Marketing, Internet & Digital Marketing, Marketing Communication and Branding, Service Marketing.
An indicative, but not exhaustive, list of questions that this call for papers addresses is:
- theoretical framework of Dual Marketing;
- taxonomy of practices of Dual Marketing;
- development and diffusion of Dual Marketing’s practices: role played by digital technology and Internet;
- advantages and risks for companies implementing Dual Marketing;
- business relationships and Dual Marketing;
- Dual Marketing analysed following a multi-stakeholder perspective;
- development of innovativeness through Dual Marketing;
- business areas that can widely benefit of Dual Marketing practices;
- Dual Marketing in service sector;
- approaches to Dual Marketing: re-organization of structures and development of competencies;
-  brand management within the Dual Marketing perspective;
-  integrated communication of Dual Marketing;
-  values and functional and emotional elements of Dual Marketing communications;
-  metrics for the assessment of results of Dual Marketing. 

- Biemans, W. (1998),“Marketing in the twilight zone”, BusinessHorizons, 41 (6), 69–76. Biemans, W. (2001), “Designing a Dual Marketing Program”, European Management Journal, 19 (6), 670–677.
- Calia, R.C., Guerrini, F.M. and Moura, G.L. (2007), “Innovation networks: from technological development to business model reconfiguration”, Technovation, 27 (8), 426-432.
- Etzkowitz, H. and Leydesdorff, L. (2000), “The dynamics of innovation: from nationalsystems and “mode 2” to a triple helix of university-industry-government relations”, Research Policy, 29 (2), 109-123.
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Manuscript submission

Manuscripts must follow submission guidelines of Mercati e Competitività (for the Author guidelines, please visit All papers must be in English and will be reviewed through the standard double-blind peer review process, according to the journal rules.

Manuscripts should be sent electronically (in Microsoft Word format) to any of the guest editors before 09/30/2017

Guest Editors

Alfonso Siano, Università degli Studi di Salerno (
Chiara Luisa Cantù, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano (


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Marketing, Fashion and the Creative Industries. Interconnections and Mutual Influences
access_time Expiry date: 16/09/2017

Marketing, Fashion and Creative Industries. Interconnections and Mutual Influences

Guest Editors: Raffele Donvito, University of Firenze (

Creative industries have received growing attention throughout the years by marketing and management literature due to the evident and mutual influence between creative industries and marketing. Scholars still discuss on the definition of “creative industry”, although one of the most accepted definition refers to the Department of Media, Culture and Sport (DCMS) who defines creative industries as “industries which have their origin in individual creativity, skill and talent and which have a potential for wealth and job creation through the generation and exploitation of intellectual property” (2001, p. 5). The DCMS (2001) report lists also the categories of the creative industries, considering advertising, architecture, the art and antiques market, crafts, design, designer fashion, film and video, interactive leisure software, music, the performing arts, publishing, software and computer services, and television and radio. However, there is no commonly accepted list of the activities that form the “creative industry”, thus the DCMS list should be considered as a point of departure by many contributions that expand the list towards other cultural or knowledge-based activities (Lazzeretti, Capone, and Boix, 2012; Troilo, 2015). Indeed, various scholars and practitioners have attempted in the identification of adding fields to clarify the concept of creative industries throughout the years. Particularly, Hesmondhalgh (2002) identifies advertising and marketing, broadcasting, film, internet, music, print and electronic publishing, and video and computer games as the core of cultural industries and as activities more related to some form of industrial reproduction. Gordon and Beilby (2006) add also activities associated with artistic and cultural heritage, whereas Eurostat includes some cultural, tourist and recreational activities. Within this wide background, creative industries are particularly linked to fashion by way of design and creativity (Kim, Ko and Lee, 2012); according to many scholars and opinion leaders, fashion is a form of art, which can transform an image or a person’s identity, concerning the constantly changing of aesthetics (Entwistle, 2002).
Recently, literature on fashion marketing and creative industries is moving the attention toward digital contexts. Digital spaces, such as social networks, online communities, or other digital platforms are exploited for monitoring external creativity activating co-creation processes (Grönroos, & Voima, 2013). Moreover, the communication processes on social media and the integrated marketing communication strategies are finalized to improve the engagement status of consumers in order to boost loyalty, advocacy and consumer participation to the value creation (Brodie et al. 2011). Indeed, given the proliferation of creative production that takes place within online communities and social networking sites, as well as media sharing sites, social media has taken a turn toward creative production today (Barnes, 2006). Simultaneously, new actors have appeared within the communication process; thus, not only user generated contents, but also blogger and influencers need to be considered for the overall understanding the effects on fashion and creative industries of the digitalization (McQuarrie, Miller, & Phillips, 2013). The growing interest toward Instagram, Snapchat, Youtube, Facebook and other social media that base their customer engagement primary on visual communication (e.g. photography, video), has fostered the relevance of visual communication in storytelling (Kim, Lloyd, & Cervellon, 2016).
Furthermore, networks between fashion firms, creative individuals and/or other firms related to traditional creative industries such as painting, movies or music are even more intensified. Collaborations between artists and couturiers reinforced this connection to the point where the boundary between the two worlds of art and fashion was creatively blurred (Duggan, Ginger Gregg, 2000). Design has become progressively more significant in business-to-consumer markets in recent years, with increasingly design-led products, retail environments and promotion now being the norm, in differentiating retailers from their competitors in a volatile financial climate (Goworek, Perry, & Kent, 2016).
The aim of this special issue is to stimulate scholars in discovering and deepening important global trends that seem to vanish the traditional boundaries between firms and customers, and between different industries. As such, submissions that seek to offer novel insights into the dynamics of creative industries and their linkages with marketing and fashion will be appreciated.

The guest editor welcome rigorous contributions which address the above-mentioned aims or respond to proximate issues pertaining to (but not limited to) the following suitable topics:

- The evolution path from the work of art to the craft creation and the luxury product, and its consequences in terms of consumer perception and brand associations.
- The evolving mutual influence and interconnections between marketing, fashion, architecture, art and antiques markets.
- How fashion photography and fashion modeling embed the concept of “aesthetic markets”, considering the critical management of the intrinsic fluctuations of the aesthetic value across space and time.
- The role of fashion shows, events, expositions and museums within the integrated marketing communication strategies and their direct connection to the creative industries.How social media can be managed in order to stimulate engagement and creativity of individuals (internal and external), useful for the activation of co-creation processes in organization designed for embracing open innovation approaches.
-The impact of digitalization in the art and music industries, considering the effects at product, distribution and communication policies and the related consequences in consumer experience and fruition.
-The blurring boundaries between art, painting and fashion and the consequent improvement of “artistic based” brands.
- How communication and storytelling requirements stimulate collaboration between fashion industry and cartoon, comics and movies industries and their impacts on consumer behavior and perception.

- Barnes, S. B. (2006). A privacy paradox: Social networking in the United States. First Monday, Vol. 11 No. 9.
- Brodie, R. J., Hollebeek, L. D., Juric, B., & Ilic, A. (2011). Customer engagement: conceptual domain, fundamental propositions, and implications for research. Journal of Service Research.
- Department of Media, Culture and Sport (DCMS) (2001). The Creative Industries Mapping Document, HMSO, London.
- Duggan, G. G. (2000). From Elsa Schiaparelli’s Shoe Hat to Tom Sachs’ Chanel Guillotine; Surrealism’s Fashionable Comeback. CIHA, September.
- Entwistle, J. (2002). The Aesthetic Economy The production of value in the field of fashion modelling. Journal of Consumer Culture, 2(3), 317-339.
- Gordon, J. C. & Beilby-Orrin, H. (2006). International Measurement of the Economic and Social Importance of Culture. Statistics Directorate OECD, Paris.
- Goworek, H., Perry, P., & Kent, A. (2016). The relationship between design and marketing in the fashion industry.Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, 20(3).
- Grönroos, C., & Voima, P. (2013). Critical service logic: making sense of value creation and co-creation. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 41(2), 133-150.
- Hesmondhalgh, D. (2002). The Cultural Industries. Sage, London.
- Kim K., Ko E. & Lee Y-I (2012). Art Infusion in Fashion Product: The influence of Visual Art on Product Evaluation and Purchase Intention of Consumers, Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, 3-4, 180-186.
- Kim, J. E., Lloyd, S., & Cervellon, M. C. (2016). Narrative-transportation storylines in luxury brand advertising: Motivating consumer engagement. Journal of Business Research, 69(1), 304-313.
- Lazzeretti, L., Capone, F., & Boix, R. (2012). Reasons for clustering of creative industries in Italy and Spain. European Planning Studies, 20(8), 1243-1262.
- McQuarrie, E. F., Miller, J., & Phillips, B. J. (2013). The megaphone effect: Taste and audience in fashion blogging. Journal of Consumer Research, 40(1), 136-158.
- Troilo G. (2015). Marketing in Creative Industries. Value, Experience and Creativity, 1st edition, Palgrave Macmillan Education UK, London.

Submission Deadline
Full Paper Submission Deadline: September 16th, 2017

Authors should submit full papers to the Guest Editor of this MC Special Issue at the following e- mail:

Submissions will undergo a double blind, peer review process. Full paper manuscripts must follow the submission guidelines of MC 

Preference given to the submissions that are:
 Accepted as Extended Abstract by a Track and Symposium Chairs of “2017 Global Fashion Management Conference at Vienna” (2017 GFMC).
Registered for the 2017 GFMC at Vienna.
Presented in the 2017 SIMktg-GAMMA Joint Symposium: Marketing, Fashion and the
Creative Industries. Interconnections and Mutual Influences in the 2017 GFMC at Vienna.

Please note that 2017 GFMC at Vienna deadline for Extended Abstract Submission is February 6th. Authors should submit their extended abstract related to the theme of this special issue, “Marketing, Fashion and the Creative Industries. Interconnections and Mutual Influences” to the 2017 GFMC at Vienna – 2017 SIMktg-GAMMA JOINT SYMPOSIUM Chair. Authors should also inform their intention to be considered for this MC special issue to the chair of this Symposium at the time of submission to GFMC.

2017 GFMC at Vienna submission guidelines. Maximum length for extended abstract: Five (5) page single spaced 8 1⁄2" x 11" pages (including tables, references, etc.). A4 paper settings are not acceptable. Complete submission guidelines for the extended abstract to 2017 GFMC at Vienna are located at:
2017 GFMC at Vienna – 2017 SIMktg-GAMMA JOINT SYMPOSIUM Chair: Raffaele Donvito, Department of Economics and Management, University of Florence, Via delle Pandette 9, 50127, Florence

If you have questions, please contact the Guest Editor of this MC special issue.

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Buying, gifting, renting, sharing... In search of a new theory of acquisition
access_time Expiry date: 17/07/2017

Buying, gifting, renting, sharing... In search of a new theory of acquisition Marketing and consumption scholars traditionally consider buying as the main practice through which individuals obtain consumption resources.

Guest Editors: Matteo Corciolani, University of Pisa ( • Stefania Borghini, Bocconi University ( • Daniele Scarpi, University of Bologna (

Since the seminal studies of Howard and colleagues (Howard 1963; Howard and Sheth 1969), a large stream of research called “buyer behaviour” has conceptualised buying as the predominant, if not unique, practice in acquiring products. Now, however, the association between acquisition and buying is challenged by the continuous development of new and alternative acquisition practices. With the rise of the sharing (or gift) economy in the last decade, individuals are increasingly getting consumption resources by renting, sharing or even bartering them. That is, buying is no longer the only practice they can use to satisfy their needs (Bardhi and Eckhardt 2012). Indeed, peer-topeer communities, sharing platforms and swapping communities are just a few examples of the new systems through which it is now possible to acquire desired products (Belk 2010, 2014). The new scenarios through which consumers acquire goods and services is particularly interesting from the viewpoint of marketing and related subjects. The sharing economy is an emerging market, in which new business models are gaining significant attention. Airbnb, Uber and Zipcar are only some of the numerous successful cases that are developing in the market. Thus, it is important to understand how the market is changing and which paradigms are becoming fundamental to compete in it successfully (Lamberton and Rose 2012). From the consumer’s point of view, this trend is particularly relevant because it clearly shows that the theories about marketing and consumer behaviour should be reconsidered. For instance, we traditionally see the consumption process as “a cycle of acquisition, consumption (use) and possession, and disposition processes” (Arnould and Thompson 2005; MacInnis and Folkes 2010). However, we tend to equate acquisition with buying. Instead, acquisition should be better problematised to identify the various ways through which consumers actually obtain consumption objects. New studies in this emerging stream of research are introducing new constructs into the literature, such as access-based consumption (Bardhi and Eckhardt 2012), sharing (Belk 2007, 2010) and consumer gift systems (Giesler 2006). These new labels are particularly useful in interpreting the new context of consumption. However, new research is needed to understand how the marketplace is evolving. This special issue will discuss how acquisition practices are changing and what this means for marketing and consumer behaviour theories.

This call for papers solicits both theoretical and empirical contributions, which draw on different research streams and disciplines, including marketing, organisation, sociology, anthropology and psychology.

Methodologically, we welcome qualitative, quantitative and mixed-method research approaches.

Topics of Interest (include, but are not limited to): • Access-based consumption • Acquisition practices • Bartering • Borrowing • Collaborative consumption • Crowdfunding • Donation platforms • Gift economies • Peer-to-peer communities • Renting • Sharing economy

- Arnould, Eric J. and Craig J. Thompson (2005), “Consumer Culture Theory (CCT): Twenty Years of Research,” Journal of Consumer Research, 31 (March), 868–82.
- Bardhi, Fleura and Giana M. Eckhardt (2012), “Access-based Consumption: The Case of Car Sharing,” Journal of Consumer Research, 39 (December), 881–98.
- Belk, Russell W. (2007), “Why Not Share Rather Than Own?” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 611 (May), 126–40.
- Belk, Russell W. (2010), “Sharing,” Journal of Consumer Research, 36 (February), 715–34.
- Belk, Russell W. (2014), “You Are What You Can Access: Sharing and Collaborative Consumption Online,” Journal of Business Research, 67 (August), 1595–600.
- Giesler, Markus (2006), “Consumer Gift System: Netnographic Insights from Napster,” Journal of Consumer Research, 33 (September), 283–90.
- Howard, John A. (1963), Marketing Management: Analysis and Planning, rev. ed., Homewood, IL;
- Richard D. Irwin. Howard, John A. and Jagdish N. Sheth (1969), The Theory of Buyer Behavior, New York: John Wiley. - Lamberton, Cait P. and Randall L. Rose (2012), “When is Ours Better than Mine? A Framework for Understanding and Altering Participation in Commercial Sharing Systems,” Journal of Marketing, 76 (July), 109–25.
- MacInnis, Deborah and Valerie S. Folkes (2010), “The Disciplinary Status of Consumer Behavior: A Sociology of Science Perspective on Key Controversies,” Journal of Consumer Research, 36 (April), 899–914.

Full paper submission deadline: July 17th, 2017

Authors should submit full papers to the Guest Editors of this MC Special Issue at the following e-mail:

Submissions will undergo a double blind, peer review process. Full paper manuscripts must follow the submission guidelines of M&C.


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