Mercati & Competitività
Mercati & Competitività was established in 2004 by Riccardo Varaldo and Gianpiero Lugli. It is the Journal of the Italian Marketing Association and strives to provide a voice for the Association's cultural and scientific policy.
Aims and Scope
The journal's aim is twofold: firstly to be the journal where the best Italian marketing research is published; secondly, and thanks to scientific and editorial cooperation with important marketing centers, to publish international research conducted by European, US and Far Eastern scholars. Even though it was established by a cultural and scientific association, the review aims to bridge academics and professionals. The goal is, in fact, to offer continuous updates on the changes affecting marketing approaches and techniques. "Marketing demand" is increasing in many different market sectors (schools and universities, non-profit organizations, public institutions and so on) and this growing demand is not always matched by adequate advances in marketing competence and the professional skills on offer. Furthermore, we have to take into account that many market actors adopt a distorted and partial view of the marketing concept. Many refer to marketing as merely communication and sales activities and in so doing overlook the variety of value-adding processes that marketing can offer customers. Mercati & Competitività thus aims to provide cultural and scientific updates to those who, in different market contexts, want to work in marketing at a specialist and professional level.
The Journal is indexed on Ebsco Discovery Service, ProQuest Summon, Google Scholar, JournalTOCS, RePEc, Essper, Italian Union Catalogue of Serials (ACNP), Torrossa - Casalini Full Text Platform
Contact Information
Editorial Office
Società Italiana di Marketing
c/o Dipartimento di Economia - Area Marketing Università degli Studi di Parma
Via Kennedy, 6 - 43100 Parma - Italy
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